How To Plan Corporate Headshots For Your Company

You can call us corporate headshot connoisseurs. Our team photographs over 5,987 people each year.

Besides photographing in our studio, we travel worldwide for corporate headshots.

Often companies will hire us when there are larger corporate events going on.

Larger events are an ideal time to offer associates headshots that will be consistent because this is a time when the whole team is in one place. We have helpful corporate headshot photography tips on how to plan the headshot process efficiently and make sure it’s well organized.

corporate group headshots

Provide adequate details to your photographer

When planning corporate headshots for your company, it’s important to nail down all of the details in advance. Communication is key. Make sure to share all the details of the event with the photographer. Decide whether the headshots will take place for one or multiple days. Also, discuss the type of backdrop that will best represent the company. The more information you share with your photographer, the smoother the process will be.

Corporate headshot tips on details to provide to your photographer:

  • Decide what color backdrop works best for your company. Often times, we recommend to stick to a more neutral color like neutral grey. This color is pleasing to the eyes and makes the person stand out. If you want to go for a bolder backdrop, it’s good to share a vision board of the style you have in mind.

  • How many employees will be signing up to get their headshot taken. To make the process easier and more organized, we offer our own signup system. The link is shared with all of the employees and each individual can select the time slot that works best for them. Once they sign up for their appointment, their information is in our system. This makes the headshot process much smoother because our team knows which person is coming at what time. Also, after the headshots have been processed, we can directly email each employee their retouched headshot. This saves a lot of time figuring out which photograph to send to each person. Our scheduling system makes the process smooth and efficient.

  • Are there company guidelines for the format of how the headshot should be photographed. Some companies have specific guidelines on whether they want the photo vertical or horizontal. Also, the detail can get as specific as which direction the person should be facing. Most of the time, companies trust that we will give their employees the best coaching as to which angle works best for them. If not specified, we photograph headshots horizontal. The benefit of a horizontal headshot is that there are more ways to crop it and it can be turned into a vertical photo.

  • Do you plan to have employees come to the studio or are we going on location. If you are planning to have headshots of more than 5 employees, then we can come on location to your office or wherever it is planned for employees to get their headshot taken. We often work with companies that have our headshot service as part of the onboarding process. That means that every single individual that is hired, receives a headshot in the same exact style as the rest of the company.

  • If on location, make sure the space works for photographs. Avoid spaces that are too loud and noisy. Part of the WASIO experience is facial coaching. It is hard to do if the person being photographed cannot hear any direction. Also, choosing a more private space for the photographing area allows people to feel more comfortable. Most of us do not want to be watched by our coworkers while being in front of the camera. For more information check our blog - 5 Key Tips For How to Find the Best Corporate Photoshoot Locations

walmart headshots

Be mindful of your budget

It is important to know what kind of budget you are working with. This will help you decide what photography services will work best for your needs. When working with us, the more people that need their headshot taken, the better the rate will be. We offer discounted rates for larger groups.

Determine location of photoshoot

If you have more than 5 people that will be getting their headshot taken, we will bring the studio to your location! That means we bring our professional cameras, studio lighting and computer equipment we use in our studio. Your team will get the same professional results as we get in our studio.

It takes us up to 45 minutes to set everything up. We require a minimum of 12x12 open space to set up our studio. When choosing where to set us up, we strongly recommend selecting an area with little foot traffic. Part of our appeal is our facial coaching we provide. This is done through interaction during the photo shoot. It is hard to do this in a very noisy and loud area. A quieter environment works best and also most people do not like to be seen by their peers when photographed.

Another great opportunity to make sure all of your employees get their updated headshots is during a company retreat or corporate event. Whether your company is having a conference or simply on a trip to celebrate big accomplishments where the majority of your teams will be present, that is a great opportunity to get everyone to update their headshots. We travel worldwide to give companies the best headshots that represent their employees.

Find out more by reading our 5 Key Tips For How to Find the Best Corporate Photoshoot Locations blog post.

Professional doctor headshots

Here are some corporate event photography tips that will make the planning process much smoother:

Workout a detailed schedule for the time slots people will get their headshots taken. Take into consideration if there are classes or keynote speakers happening that day and make sure to block those times so no one will miss important events.

  • Schedule the higher-level titles to get their headshots out of the way first. Later it will get hectic with meetings and other events to fit time for a headshot.

  • We also offer coverage of events and keynote speakers. Our team is big enough to continue to photograph headshots and in parallel photograph other events going on. Event photos are fantastic to use for marketing and publications.

Have a Strong Schedule

We offer a unique scheduling system to help make the process smooth and efficient. Each person can schedule the time that will work best for them to get their headshot taken. This makes it so that everything is organized and no time is wasted. With the scheduling system, the set time is reserved for the individual and during that time, no one else is waiting.

There is the option of trying to create a schedule on your own or going the route of people just showing up. We don’t recommend this because it’s not time efficient or organized. Plus, without proper reminders, people can forget to show up for their headshot. With our scheduling system a reminder is sent out about the headshot time as well as location details.

Give instructions to your team

It’s important to communicate all of the details of what the headshot experience will look like with your employees. We provide a guide of tips for corporate headshots and how to prepare for headshots that should be shared with all the employees.

We’d love to be part of the corporate headshot process for your team. Whether it’s coming into our studio or us converting a space into our studio, we’d be happy to learn more about the details. Contact us here and let us send you all of the information needed to make the right decision if we are a good fit for your needs.

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